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After Seven Weeks Of Strike Action

York University and CUPE 3903 Reach Tentative Deal

After seven weeks of strike action

About 3000 contract faculty, teaching assistants, and librarians at York University will return to work after a tentative deal was reached between the union and the university.

The deal includes a 14.75% salary increase over four years, improved job security, and increased funding for mental health support.

The strike began on March 5th after the union and the university failed to reach an agreement on a new contract. The main sticking points were salary and job security.

The tentative deal is a significant victory for the union, which had been fighting for improved working conditions for its members.

The strike had a significant impact on the university, with many classes being cancelled or disrupted. The university said it was pleased that a deal had been reached and that it looked forward to welcoming its students and faculty back to campus.
